What are
stem cells?

Stem cells are those from which new cells are derived, from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated.

Saving umbilical cord blood and cord tissue allows us to store this unrepeatable biological material.

Cord blood and umbilical cord blood stem cell banking is a 100% safe and painless procedure for both you and your baby.

Storing and preserving stem cells
can save the lives of those you love
Storing and preserving stem cells
can save the lives of those you love

The treatments
with stem cells:

They are the future of biomedicine.
They are a biological insurance.

They are used for research and clinical trials in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cardiology, urology, ophthalmology and multiple medical specialties.

More than 1,000,000 transplants have been performed worldwide.
1,200 children are diagnosed with childhood cancer each year.
Why use stem cells?

Treatment and cure at
more than 80 diseases
Such as leukemia, lymphomas, anemias and other types of childhood cancers.

Treatment of pain
In injuries, orthopedics, pain unit, osteoarthritis and various degenerative diseases.
Types of cancers stem cells
Leukemia is treated with stem cells
+ info
Medical Director
America Cell Bank.
Store the
stem cells
A decision that can save your child's life
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Laboratory and Stem Cell Bank
FDA Registered
+ infoWe are America Cell Bank
A multinational biomedical company specializing in the future health of you and your family.
For this purpose, we offer you our 360º Global stem cell banking service under international standards, as well as exclusive services in regenerative medicine and cell therapy.