Traumatologist with 29 years of professional experience and more than 15 years specialized in Regenerative Medicine constantly innovating in new procedures and treatments that are at the forefront of current medicine.

Traumatologist with 29 years of professional experience and more than 15 years specialized in Regenerative Medicine constantly innovating in new procedures and treatments that are at the forefront of current medicine.
Medical Surgeon Anti-Aging Medicine. Cellular regeneration. Member of the Latin American Society of Stem Cells (SOLCEMA).
Medical Director of Regenerative Medicine ORTHOPEDIC STEM CELLS Head of Teaching Unit of the Omnihospital and Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Universidad Espiritu Santo UEES, ECUADOR.
Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad JaverianaResearch leader: “Biology of stem cells”.
Degree in Biology Pontificia Univ. Católica de ValparaisoMagister en ciencias Biologicas y Médicas Univ. Chile CEO of Medicel
ADISTEM specialist in adipose-derived stem cells according to Stemprocell Fellow of the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.
He has more than 15 years of experience in regenerative medicine with a special focus on sports medicine.
Physician specialized in Stem Cells and Cellular Regeneration. It has more than 15 years of experience performing treatments in regenerative medicine. It has a team of medical specialists.
Cra. 21 #166-81
Toberín Neighborhood
Cel. (+57) 317 438 7933
Avda. Pedro Menéndez Gilbert, junto a la Cdla. La Atarazana
Cel. + 593 98 028 9244
102 Chestnut ridge
Road Montvale
New Jersey 07645
Av. Valdelaparra N°27
Edificio 2, 2° 28108
Alcobendas Madrid
Cel. +34 651 409 931
Luis carrera 1289
Vitacura Santiago chile