According to, nutrigenetics studies the relationship between individual human response to diet and genetics.
The website says that, thanks to various scientific advances, you can now be certain that 30% of your biological inheritance determines your predisposition to suffer from health problems.
The remaining 70% depends a lot on your diet.
Benefits of genetic nutrition
Dentro de la genómica nutricional, conocer con todo detalle tu predisposición genética para la salud ayuda a los profesionales de la nutrición a escoger los mejores alimentos para potenciar el desarrollo de tu metabolismo individual.
La nutrición genómica revela que el ADN condiciona tu estado nutricional. La dieta es el factor ambiental primordial para lograr grandes posibilidades de modificación adaptativa en tu salud.
Según el sitio web, la nutrición basada en los genes individuales te ayuda a revertir las recomendaciones dietéticas que los medios masivos de comunicación promueven como “válidas para todos los seres humanos”.
Podrás filtrarlas para el beneficio de tu salud.
La página indica que la nutrición basada en la genética te ayuda a controlar específicamente el colesterol con dietas individuales.
La determinación de los nutriólogos sobre tu perfil ayuda a identificar la manera en que tu organismo responde a cada tipo de ejercicio físico que puedes realizar.
Gracias a esto, podrás sacar un mayor provecho a tus actividades físicas.
6. As for sports nutrition, gene analysis helps nutritionists to prescribe diets focused on bringing physical performance to the highest level.
After analyzing your genes, a specialist can identify if you have a tendency to obesity and recommend reducing the foods that promote it in your body.
Once you start following a diet in accordance with your individual genetics, you increase your personal life expectancy and have a better chance of improving your overall well-being in your old age.
The website states that genetic tests guide nutrition specialists to prevent specific pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of tumors.
Among other serious conditions that can be prevented with the application of nutritional genetics are the following: coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, ulcerative colitis, myocardial infarction, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral arterial disease, melanoma and psoriasis.
It also helps you directly to raise the quality of your intestinal flora.
It allows you to determine the kind of foods that will help to properly degrade nutrients in your gut.
Thus, you can increase your overall sense of well-being and physical fitness.
Learning to relate the particular characteristics of your genome to what you eat allows you to remain in a higher state of alertness.
You will be more aware of what foods to buy and will be able to determine a diet for your family that focuses on the overall development of each member. 13.
La alimentación basada en la genética influye de una manera directa en tu rendimiento mental. A partir de la prescripción de alimentos benéficos, el funcionamiento de tu cerebro se potencia e incrementa tu capacidad para razonar y para almacenar mejor los datos en tu memoria.
Genetics-based nutrition has become a fundamental branch of medicine due to its predictive and preventive capacity for multiple diseases.
It is expected to continue to develop.
The ultimate goal of this branch will be for mankind to improve its dietary habits under the perspective of the adaptive needs of each individual. References